4-Zimmer-Wohnung mieten in Heidelberg-Altstadt

Top Premium Forest Island (Heidelberg Old-Town), Heidelberg - Amsterdam Apartments for Rent
5.000,00 €
4 Zi.
180 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
69117 Heidelberg
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
English: In the middle of the forest, above Heidelberg Castle and only 15-20 minutes from the center, is the perfect place to find peace and relaxation in Heidelberg. The Kohlhof belongs to the old town and has cast a spell over romantics, artists
and intellectuals for centuries. The favorite place of many Heidelberg residents is a real insider tip for visitors. Start from here to explore Heidelberg and its surroundings or to enjoy extensive mountain bike and hiking tours. German: Mitten im Wald, oberhalb des Heidelberger Schlosses und nur 15-20 Minuten vom Zentrum gelegen liegt der perfekte Ort, um in Heidelberg Ruhe, Ausgleich und Erholung zu finden. Der Kohlhof gehört zur Altstadt und zieht seit Jahrhunderten Romantiker, Künstler und Intellektuelle in seinen Bann. Der Lieblingsort vieler Heidelberger ist ein echter Geheimtipp für Besucher. Starten Sie von hier, um Heidelberg und seine Umgebung zu erkunden oder um ausgiebige Mountainbike- und Wandertouren zu genießen.
Top Premium Charming, amazing Townhouse with balcony located in Heidelberg
8.850,00 €
4 Zi.
150 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
69117 Heidelberg
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
English: The villa consits of 4 floors including 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 guest toilet, 1 living room, 1 balcony, 1 terrace and a kitchen area. Furthermore it provides you with your own parking spot in a private parking yard, right infront of your
door. As specially for larger families or travel groups it offers enough space to have your own privacy but still be able to enjoy each others company. German: The villa consits of 4 floors including 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 guest toilet, 1 living room, 1 balcony, 1 terrace and a kitchen area. Furthermore it provides you with your own parking spot in a private parking yard, right infront of your door. As specially for larger families or travel groups it offers enough space to have your own privacy but still be able to enjoy each others company.
Top Premium Charming, fantastic Townhouse in Heidelberg with roof-deck
Quelle: rentola.de
8.100,00 €
4 Zi.
150 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
69117 Heidelberg
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
English: The villa consits of 4 floors including 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 guest toilet, 1 living room, 1 balcony, 1 terrace and a kitchen area. Furthermore it provides you with your own parking spot in a private parking yard, right infront of your
door. As specially for larger families or travel groups it offers enough space to have your own privacy but still be able to enjoy each others company. German: The villa consits of 4 floors including 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 guest toilet, 1 living room, 1 balcony, 1 terrace and a kitchen area. Furthermore it provides you with your own parking spot in a private parking yard, right infront of your door. As specially for larger families or travel groups it offers enough space to have your own privacy but still be able to enjoy each others company.

Passende Immobilien in der Umgebung von Heidelberg-Altstadt:

Top Premium 115 m² duplex - air-conditioned - city center
Quelle: rentola.de
6.300,00 €
4 Zi.
115 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
69115 Heidelberg
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
English: Das Apartment liegt im Herzen von Heidelberg German: Das Apartment liegt im Herzen von Heidelberg
Top Premium Huge appartament with an awesome view from two balconys, garage and dining area
2.900,00 €
4 Zi.
128 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
69126 Heidelberg
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
English: This nice, huge appartament with a great view from two balkonies will inspire you. You have floor deep windows which lets much light into thre appartament. The separate dining area is great for recieving guests. It's a quiet area, not far
from the woods. There is a bus station and a gas station directely in front of the house. A big shopping mile is 1km from the house away. The appartament is great for a remote office or to study for your exam German: Diese grosse Wohnung mit einer tollen Aussicht aus zwei Balkonen wird Sie begeistern. Die bodentiefen Fenster lassen an der Nordseite viel Licht in die Wohnung und die Wohnung verfügt über einen speziellen Essbereich wo Sie sehr gut Gäste empfangen können. Die zwei Abstellkammern erleichtern die Ordnungshaltung. Es ist eine ruhige Gegend, nicht weit vom Wald entfernt. Direkt vor dem Haus befindet sich eine Bushaltestelle und eine Tankstelle. Eine grosse Einkaufsmeile ist 1 km vom Haus entfernt. Die Wohnung eignet sich hervorragen