Mietwohnungen in Stuttgart-Schmidener Vorstadt

Top Premium Furnished mansard flat in Bad-Cannstatt
1.850,00 €
4 Zi.
88 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
70374 Stuttgart
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
English: When you have to walk a few kilometres with your shopping bags or walk around the neighbourhood for half an hour because you can't find a parking space. When you have to drive to the city centre and spend half a morning on the road or drive
far away to spend the afternoon in a nice park where the children can run and play. At home, you have to look at the floor to avoid stepping on toys because the kids don't have room in their room for all their stuff. When you almost have to set up a garage sale because you don't have room for your memorabilia and need to get rid of it. Can you relate to some of these things? Maybe there's a solution for you: -3.5 rooms so you have room for everything. Ideal for families. -Fully equipped kitchen, with a table where you can have breakfast or lunch without having to go through the whole flat. -Storage room with window, so it can be used either as a storage room or alternatively as a small office (like the previous owner). -Large bathroom with
Top Premium Bright, light-flooded one-room apartment
1.552,00 €
1 Zi.
23 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
70374 Stuttgart
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
The apartment is located in Bad Cannstatt in a quiet residential area. Conveniently located, the S-Bahn and Stadtbahn can be reached on foot in 2 minutes. Direct connection to the trade fair, to Stuttgart, Waiblingen etc.The Kurpark, the vineyards
and allotment gardens nearby offer recreation. The Bad Cannstatt mineral baths and its fountains are also within walking distance.Neckarpark (Hanns-Martin-Schleyerhalle, Porsche Arena, Daimler Museum, Cannstatter Wasen, Mercedes-Benz Arena) can be reached on foot in about 30 minutes or by public transport in about 10 minutes.
Top Premium Helle 1,5-Zimmer-Wohnung in Bad-Cannstatt
Quelle: www.immobilienscout24.de
680,00 €
1,5 Zi.
48,5 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
70374 Stuttgart
Immobilientyp: Wohnung, Etagenwohnung
Top Premium 3 Zi. Wohnung, 1. OG, ca. 75 m², EBK, modernes Bad, gute ÖPNV - Anbindung schöne Aussicht zum Kur...
1.050,00 €
3 Zi.
75 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
70374 Stuttgart
Immobilientyp: Wohnung, Etagenwohnung
Top Premium Die Ideale WG! 2 große Zimmer und Wohnküche
Quelle: www.immobilienscout24.de
980,00 €
2 Zi.
50 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
70374 Stuttgart
Immobilientyp: Wohnung, Erdgeschoss
Top Premium Dachgeschosswohnung in Bad Cannstatt
Quelle: www.immobilienscout24.de
1.350,00 €
3,5 Zi.
88 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
70374 Stuttgart
Immobilientyp: Wohnung, Dachgeschoss
Top Premium 3-Zimmer-Wohnung in Stuttgart
Quelle: www.immobilienscout24.de
730,00 €
3 Zi.
77 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
70374 Stuttgart
Immobilientyp: Wohnung, Etagenwohnung